Belem 2024 ISPRS Midterm SymposiumBelem 2024 SELPER Internacional
Geo-Information for Disaster Management
2-3 November 2024 Belém, Brazil


Rooms have been pre-booked at negotiated rates. Prices and availability are guaranteed until May 15. After this date, we will do our best to help you, but availability will no longer be guaranteed and prices may fluctuate. Please note that the exchange rate is around 1$ = 5 R$ (Brazilian real).
Bookings and payments must be made directly with our partner agency Brazil Amazon tourism:

e-mail :

Phone / Whatsapp +55 91 98143 5009

indicating “ISPRS-SELPER Symposium” when booking

Negotiations are underway with other hotels and further offers will be posted shortly.

Hotel List


According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health for vaccination of travelers and international travel, available in full at, there is no requirement for proof of vaccination for entry into Brazil.


For updated information on visa requirements for citizens of your country wishing to enter Brazil, please refer to the General Visa Regime Chart. Do not leave this step to the last minute, as the visa application process may take time. Ensure that all necessary documents are in order to ensure a smooth trip.

If you require an invitation letter for the event, please contact



The local currency in Brazil is the Brazilian real (R$). It tends to stay relatively stable, usually around 0.20 US dollars or 0.18 euros.

Cash can be withdrawn from red “24 horas” ATMs located at the airport, supermarkets, pharmacies, and many other stores.

International credit cards are widely accepted in the city but may not be accepted in isolated areas visited during tours.


The temperature in Belém remains stable throughout the year and will always be hot ( During the event period, which will take place during the so-called “Amazonian Summer”, the maximum expected temperature is 32°C. Therefore, stay hydrated at all times! And don’t forget to pack lightweight clothing. Rain will be a faithful companion in all seasons, with varying intensity. Check the weather forecast before traveling.